[fhs-discuss] Split home directory for each user into two parts

Jeff Licquia licquia at linuxfoundation.org
Mon May 9 20:15:58 PDT 2011

On 05/09/2011 07:49 AM, Randy Kramer wrote:
> Here is some wording I'd propose to add to that section (under
> Requirements, I believe):
> <proposed wording>
> See also the XDG Base Directory Specification (at
> http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html),
> which specifies directories for the separate storage of:
>     * user-specific data files ($XDG_DATA_HOME and $XDG_DATA_HOME)
>     * user-specific configuration files ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME and
>     * user-specific non-essential (cached) data ($XDG_CACHE_HOME)
>     * user-specific runtime files ($XDG_RUNTIME_DIR)
> Although the XDG Base Directory Specification is specifically for GUI
> programs, it may be a reasonable target for all *nix programs to evolve
> towards.
> </proposed wording>

I would be a bit more careful.  If XDG decides to move away from this 
construction, we don't want to introduce a conflict.  It's also not the 
job of a standards document to direct things like "intended audiences"; 
that can create hard-to-interpret standards.  ("Is it OK to use the XDG 
environment variables in a non-GUI program?" should have a yes or no 
answer, not a "maybe" answer.)

Maybe more like this:

"See also the XDG Base Directory specification (ref), which sets a 
number of conventions intended to organize users' home directories.  The 
XDG Base Directory specification is recommended, but not mandated."

> <digression>
> I'm a little surprised (well, that's not the right word, because I have
> read this section before, although it's been a few years) about how
> little it says about the purpose of /home ("/home is a fairly standard
> concept"), and the idea that "no program should rely on this
> location"--it seems many programs do.
> I'm wondering if the section is deserving of a more general revision?
> </digression>

I believe most programs rely on either $HOME or ~, rather than the 
specific location of /home.  My home systems don't use /home for home 
directories, which has not caused me any problems.

Jeff Licquia
The Linux Foundation
+1 (317) 915-7441
licquia at linuxfoundation.org

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